Wines: Lambrusco di Sorbara
Wines: Lambrusco di Sorbara
The wine is grown in an area north of Modena, including the village of Sorbara. It tends to produce the lightest colored wines of the trio of Lambrusco grapes, with colors ranging from ruby red to light pink. It is the main grape of the Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC, of which it must compose a minimum of 60% of the blend and may be up to 100%. The remainder in a blended wine is made up of Lambrusco Salamino grapes. The wines made from the grape are known for a typical floral/violet aroma and a taste that ranges from dry to slightly sweetish and sweet, which makes the wine a good accompaniment of heavy local dishes, such as pasta or pork.
A sparkling Lambrusco di Sorbara Spumante DOC is also produced in the above-mentioned types.